Why You Should Consider a Fine Contemporary Violin: Uncovering the Secrets to a Sound Investment

We encourage you to embark on your journey to find the perfect contemporary violin, knowing that it will contribute to the preservation and evolution of the craft.

A fine contemporary violin offers numerous advantages to musicians and enthusiasts alike. In this article, we will delve into the world of contemporary violins, defined as instruments crafted by living luthiers with the use of advanced techniques and materials. As we explore the benefits of owning such an instrument, you'll understand why it's essential to invest in a high-quality contemporary violin.

Benefits of Owning a Fine Contemporary Violin

Contrary to the enduring belief that the sound quality of antique violins is unrivaled, recent studies and blind tests have demonstrated that contemporary violins can produce sound quality as impressive, if not superior, to their antique counterparts. Modern violin makers leverage technological advancements and innovative materials to craft instruments that not only match the acoustic properties of the iconic Stradivarius and Guarneri violins, but also potentially surpass them in some aspects. Contemporary violins offer a wide tonal palette, power, and projection, which is increasingly preferred by many professional musicians in today's larger concert venues. Furthermore, the meticulous study and imitation of old-master techniques combined with modern acoustic research have allowed contemporary luthiers to emulate, and sometimes enhance, the characteristics that make antique violins so revered. While the romance and history surrounding antique violins are undeniable, it's essential not to overlook the acoustic prowess and artistry embedded in modern violin making.

Supporting modern luthiers

By purchasing a fine contemporary violin, you are contributing to the vitality of the music world by supporting the art of modern violin making. Talented luthiers rely on the patronage of musicians and collectors to continue their craft, pushing the boundaries of innovation and refining their techniques. Investing in contemporary instruments helps sustain this rich tradition and encourages further advancements in the field.

Long-Term Investment

Market trends for contemporary violins

Demand for high-quality instruments has risen in recent years, leading to a surge in the value of contemporary violins. These instruments are increasingly recognized as valuable assets that can appreciate over time, making them a sound investment for musicians and collectors alike.

Preservation of antique violins

By choosing a contemporary violin, you help protect the world's limited stock of antique instruments. As more musicians opt for modern creations, the demand for historical instruments decreases, ensuring that these precious cultural artefacts are preserved for future generations to study and admire.

Practical Considerations

Durability and maintenance

Modern materials and construction techniques have led to contemporary violins that are more durable and require less maintenance than their antique counterparts. These innovations result in lower long-term costs for musicians, while also providing an instrument that can withstand the rigors of regular practice and performance.

Accessibility and affordability

Fine contemporary violins are available at various price points, making it possible for musicians of all levels to find a high-quality instrument within their budget. By exploring the diverse range of options, you can discover the perfect violin that suits both your financial and artistic needs.

How to Choose the Right Contemporary Violin

The importance of trying out instruments

Before making a purchase, it's crucial to try out several violins to determine which one best suits your unique preferences. Evaluate the sound, playability, and overall feel of each instrument to ensure that your choice meets your expectations as a musician.

The role of professional advice

Seeking advice from a teacher, mentor, or professional player is an invaluable resource when searching for a fine contemporary violin. These experts can offer insights into the subtleties of different instruments, helping you make an informed decision in the ever-evolving violin market.


A fine contemporary violin offers numerous benefits to musicians, from improved sound quality and enhanced playability to long-term investment potential and practical considerations such as durability and affordability. By exploring the world of contemporary violins and investing in one, you support modern luthiers and their continued innovation in the field while obtaining a valuable instrument that caters to your specific needs as an artist. With this knowledge in hand, we encourage you to embark on your journey to find the perfect contemporary violin, knowing that it will not only elevate your musicianship but also contribute to the preservation and evolution of the craft.

About the Author

MyLuthier was started by two friends while they were studying at the Royal Academy of Music in London. The idea was to provide musicians with exceptional instruments at a price they can afford. We travelled Europe in search for the best contemporary makers and we’re proud of our selection and the partnerships we’ve developed.

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