
Insurance Valuations

Musical instruments, such as violins, violas, and cellos, are often expensive and hold significant sentimental value for their owners. Insuring these instruments can help protect against potential losses due to theft, damage, or loss. Without a proper valuation, a musician may be underinsured and unable to fully recoup losses in the event of damage, theft, or loss. MyLuthier's professional valuations can help ensure that an instrument is properly insured and provide peace of mind for its owner.

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Why Get an Insurance Valuation?

An insurance valuation helps ensure that a musical instrument is insured for its true value, rather than an arbitrary or outdated amount. This is important because it helps ensure that an instrument can be fully replaced or repaired in the event of a loss and avoids the risk of being underinsured.  
Professional valuations are often necessary for obtaining proper insurance coverage. Our expert luthiers have years of experience and insurance appraisals are accepted my all major insurance providers.

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How to Get an Insurance Valuation from MyLuthier

Customers can easily contact us to request a valuation and provide the necessary information about their instrument.
MyLuthier's valuation process involves a thorough assessment of the instrument's age, condition, maker, and provenance and customers can expect to receive their valuation report within a reasonable timeline.

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from £75

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